Disaster Preparedness

Disciples of Christ care about the safety and security of all who visit our church campuses, camps and off-site events.  We prepare in advance to:

  • Learn about community emergencies before or as they develop

  • Know the location of exits, hazards, and shelters on the church campus

  • Develop emergency plans with help from local fire and police

    • Appoint and register a congregational Disaster Readiness Coordinator

    • Invite local fire and law enforcement personnel to assist in identifying likely emergencies and ways to prepare and respond locally

    • Rehearse and evaluate emergency plans at least twice a year  

  • Build relations with emergency service providers

    • Local Emergency Planning Committee (every county has one and meetings are public)

    • Participate in September National Preparedness Month activities

    • Offer to host:

      • Point of distribution site (POD) for donated goods, emergency medicines, etc.

      • Emergency Red Cross Shelter

      • Visiting emergency responder family meeting center

      • Local community Free Wi-Fi and Cell phone charging station

      • Local Multi-Agency Resource Center

  • Have plans to continue vital church operations

    • Know where to gather if not on the church campus

    • Keep the congregation informed when power and phone lines are down

  • Respond to immediate needs during and following disasters

  • Support coordinated recovery efforts nearby and far away

    • Local Long Term Recovery Committees are formed within 72 hours of an emergency

      • LTRC’s coordinate donation management, volunteer placement and  recovery work schedules

      • NEVER just show up uninvited to an emergency outside the local area

    • Disciples Volunteering coordinates work trips to disaster recovery sites