Disaster Preparedness
Disciples of Christ care about the safety and security of all who visit our church campuses, camps and off-site events. We prepare in advance to:
Learn about community emergencies before or as they develop
Use NOAA weather radios in sanctuaries, nurseries and fellowship halls
Participate in local community emergency alert services (texts/calls/emails)
Watch for (and post) notices on the Mid-America (Disciples of Christ Disaster Response Facebook Page)
Know the location of exits, hazards, and shelters on the church campus
Participate in the free, on-line Red Cross Ready Rating program
Use free planning resources from the Missouri SEMA website
Develop emergency plans with help from local fire and police
Appoint and register a congregational Disaster Readiness Coordinator
Invite local fire and law enforcement personnel to assist in identifying likely emergencies and ways to prepare and respond locally
Rehearse and evaluate emergency plans at least twice a year
Build relations with emergency service providers
Local Emergency Planning Committee (every county has one and meetings are public)
Participate in September National Preparedness Month activities
Offer to host:
Point of distribution site (POD) for donated goods, emergency medicines, etc.
Emergency Red Cross Shelter
Visiting emergency responder family meeting center
Local community Free Wi-Fi and Cell phone charging station
Have plans to continue vital church operations
Know where to gather if not on the church campus
Keep the congregation informed when power and phone lines are down
Respond to immediate needs during and following disasters
When unsure about how to get or refer for non-urgent help call 2-1-1
Work with the local/county Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD)
Check the Missouri Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (MOVOAD) website and the Mid-America (Disciples of Christ Disaster Response Facebook Page for updates about how best to respond to emergencies in another part of the region
Ordinarily it is better to STAY, PRAY, PAY (send donations of money to Week of Compassion, Church World Service and Red Cross – which have on-line donation options)
Support coordinated recovery efforts nearby and far away
Local Long Term Recovery Committees are formed within 72 hours of an emergency
LTRC’s coordinate donation management, volunteer placement and recovery work schedules
NEVER just show up uninvited to an emergency outside the local area
Disciples Volunteering coordinates work trips to disaster recovery sites